Survey Says…We Need Your Feedback!

May 5th, 2014

In order to Provide Better Service to our Clients and get feedback in real time - we need your help by completing our new Customer Service Surveys. These Surveys are specific to each Service Request and give us valuable intel on how we are performing.

At Dental PC we process all your requests as Service Tickets. These tickets get routed via Phone Calls and Emails through our Service Coordinator who assesses whether remote or onsite support is needed and ensures tickets are quickly routed to one of our dedicated Service Engineers for resolution.

Once we complete your request we close the ticket and send email notification the ticket is complete (assuming we have your email on file) and deliver a Service Survey via email requesting you score our Performance.

Surveys consists of four quick questions and are based on a Points System from 1 – 5. You will be asked about timeliness of response, ticket resolution, and overall satisfaction of request. Our Engineers love to hear how they are doing and want to hear from you!

We value your Feedback and are continually looking for ways to improve our Service.

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